Friday, 16 June 2017

How fidget spinners work

How Fidget spinners work
Screenshot 2017-06-16 at 09.56.56.png
A fidget spinner with six blades, both stationary and spinning

Did you know that fidget spinner are a toy that has be going for a long time?

They have just started to come into school and they are selling them at petrol station and at post shops. Heaps of people have bought them and they are popular too.

Fidget Spinners only have momentum when they are spinning. Fidget spinners have more momentum when they are made to spin faster. This happens when you flick the edge and it spins.

Do bigger fidget spinners have more momentum? Heavier objects normally have more momentum but it depends on how fast they are going. They need a bigger push to get started.

Do fidget spinners spin underwater? Well…. I am not sure. Maybe you would like to test that out!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harrison,

    That is a really cool idea because it helps the people that don't know about fidget spinners.
    Next time you could work on putting more detail in it.
    How many fidget spinners do you have?
    I don't have any yet.
    Check out my blog at:

